Free Webinar Series 6: CPR & AED Education in the Japanese Community

Free Webinar Series 6: CPR & AED Education in the Japanese Community

Date: 12nd June 2021
Location: Via Zoom

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) has been the leading cause of death in Malaysian. Despite the proven effectiveness of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the applications of the actual CPR algorithm remains low. To save more lives, Malaysian Red Crescent is devoted to make the CPR practice known to the public by disseminating the knowledge on AEDs use and promote the simplified CPR version that emphasizes on chest compression.

How to do this?

The Malaysian Red Crescent Society Penang State has invited a Japanese specialist to speak on the strategies and activities they have to encourage CPR & AED training in corporate companies, general public and schools (school teachers) in Japan and how it can be turned into a systematic approach to increase more bystander CPR & AED practice in Malaysia.

Professor Satoshi Takeda, Emergency Physician Specialist from Department of Emergency Medicine, Jikei University School of Medicine. Professor Satoshi Takeda will share his knowledge and teaching experience in “CPR & AED Education in the Japan Community” to members on 12nd June 2021, Saturday at 11.00 am Malaysia time.

The session is free, and is open to all MRCS instructors & members. The session will be moderated by Mr. Eric Ng Kah Boon, the Assistant Director of Training, Malaysian Red Crescent Society Penang State. Sign up now using the e-form below to avoid disappointment.

MRCS PENANG STATE TALK- CPR & AED Education in the Japan Community (

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