To be recognized as the
leading humanitarian organization,
nationally and globally.
To serve the vulnerable efficiently, Anytime, Anywhere.
“Inter arma carita” (in war, charity) and “per humanitatem ad pacem” (through humanity to peace).
To be recognized as the leading humanitarian organization, nationally and globally.
To serve the vulnerable efficiently, Anytime, Anywhere.
To be recognized as the leading humanitarian organization, nationally and globally.
Under the provision of the Incorporation Act, the objectives of MRCS include “In time of peace or war, to carry on and assist in the work for the improvement of health, the prevention of disease and the mitigation, of suffering throughout the world, in time of war, to furnish voluntary aid to the sick and wounded of both of armies and non-belligerents, to prisoners of war and to civilian sufferers from the effect of war, in accordance with the spirit and covenant of the Geneva Conventions for the amelioration of the conditions of the wounded and sick in armed forces in the field, signed at Geneva on the 12th day of August 1949 and to perform all the duties devolved upon a national society by each nation which has acceded to the said Conventions”.
Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) has its beginnings in 1948 as branches of the British Red Cross Society in Sabah and Sarawak (then British North Borneo). In the 1950s the British Red Cross Society further established Branches in the other parts of Malaysia starting in Penang in 1950, and later in the other States.
Upon Malaya’s independence in 1957, the Branches in Peninsular Malaysia were organized as the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society, which later was statutorily incorporated by the Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society (Incorporation) Act, 1962. MRCS received official recognition as…
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